Post by Joe Everyman on Sept 2, 2007 20:32:20 GMT -6
Hey everyone, I am new to the nCw. I am a friend of Spike, Sam (Holland) and now the Ace. I've been in several past E-feds with Spike and Sam. Spike is pretty much my idol when it comes to E-fedding. I have learned alot from him.
You could basically call me a newbie to E-fedding still because I have only been going since April 2006. I have had a ton of guys over the past year and a half.
Joe Everyman (Charlie Haas) Chris Kahne (Hardcore Holly, then Randy Orton, now John Cena) Scotty Callaway (Scotty 2 Hotty) Rob Callaway (Rob Van Dam) Mark Amicus (Brock Lesnar) Omega (Current Undertaker) Maria Williams (Maria Kaneliss) Amber Williams (Mickie James) and finally, Matt Storm (Chris Benoit)
In my past experiences, I have won 3 championships, one twice. Though all of the championships have been the "lowest" of the company, I still think it is great to wear some gold. Of all of my guys, only Joe Everyman has ever won a championship. I have been the "hardcore" champion twice of the four total reigns. I have faced Spike Kane and both Hollands...and have betten them in a 5v5 Tag Team Match. I have been in 3 E-feds, XHF (Current), VXW (Just tanked last week) and CWF (Can't remember much of that). I am the not the greatest RPer ever, and am more than willing to get pointers.
So yeah...that's about all of my history. Reply if you wish. See ya guys around here.
Post by Banny McBannedpants on Sept 3, 2007 0:04:58 GMT -6
Welcome to the nCw and we are glad to have you here!
Jack Manson
Senior Member
It's the one that kills, not me!
Posts: 914
Post by Jack Manson on Sept 3, 2007 4:26:40 GMT -6
Welcome mate. Hope you have a lot of fun here.
Post by Spike Kane on Sept 3, 2007 5:17:06 GMT -6
Haha your from loveland, thats awesome!!
Welcome Sam...Joe, whatever you wanna be called. Don't tank out of this place like you did WCF.......although i can't really blame you for that one...ahem.