Post by Spike Kane on Dec 29, 2011 12:42:38 GMT -6
If We Are God's Unwanted Children....
...Then So Be It.
[/b][/i][/u]...Then So Be It.
For the second time this week we open up on the scene of the Boston home of our hero....yes...I said that...Spike Kane. Spike is perched on a work bench in his private little gym area just staring into the mirror. Lost in thought he just seems to be staring and not paying attention.
“My last ever match.....this isn't exactly how I imagined it to go ahead. I expected it to be Brad.....or Lance.....maybe even Rob or Kyle, hell......maybe even Triple D.....though I doubt he'd come back just to end me.”
Spike faces downwards looking into his hands as they takes over his forehead and rub through his short hair.
“Not that I have a problem with it being Alex, it seems so abrupt. Out of nowhere, no build, no...glamour. Maybe that's on purpose. Maybe they think I don't deserve the send off because I've retired and come back before”
'Or maybe you should stop being a pathetic little cry baby!'
The voice startles Spike, almost making him jump, where it not familiar of course. Spike lifts his head up and removes his hands looking right into the eyes of his father Conrad Jones looking down upon him with a snarl on his face.
“Because you're the f*cking picture of being a man, right?”
Conrad reaches backwards and sends a huge smack across Spike's face sending him off the bench and down to the floor. Spike lands on the floor and pushes himself up on to all fours, he shakes his face a little as a small trickle of blood slips out of his mouth. He breathes heavily out of his nose like a bull getting ready to charge but he simply climbs back to his feet and stands in front of his farther, head bowed.
'Do you have any idea how close we are to greatness? Huh!? Do you have any idea how close we are to pure immortality! One more match....ONE MORE MATCH!'
Spike wipes the trickle of blood from the edge of his mouth and lifts his head to face his father, a look of almost pleading in his eyes.
“Why Alex? Why did it have to be him?”
Conrad glared at Spike, his eyes burrowing deep into the soul of Spike. Spike himself almost flinched.
'Because he represents everything about you that is weak. Everything that you need to get rid of to truly become the monster that can rule this federation'
“But Dad.....this is my last match. They've forced me into retirement and deemed me mentally unfit. Leonard Fox got the doc to do it, apparently they had it planned the whole time...”
'Do you honestly think that once you go into that Dragon's Den match and show the entire world exactly who the God of Xtreme is that they are going to let you walk away? Your name will be spoken around the world and the fans will be clamouring to see more of you, to see Spike Kane destroying people in the ring just like the good old days!'
Spike turns away from his father and looks at his reflection in the mirror. He sees a sad man staring back at him, a man at the end of his rope, and a man with nothing left to lose.
AJ was my friend.....but my father is right, he is a perfect example of everything that holds me back, and he must be destroyed for me to go forward.
The reflection changes as Conrad peers over Spike's shoulder a sinister grin on his face, before Spike's face changes to reflect the grin himself and he starts to let out a low chuckle of pure evil.
Joining XHF was probably the best thing that could have happened to me back then, because I was floating around doing nothing, not meaning anything to anybody, and the federations I would join would collapse into nothingness.....even my own.
But I joined a place that already had a big history, I joined a place that made me feel like the little fish in a big pond all over again. I joined because it was stable and promised me the world....something I got out of XHF. I made friends there, I made a lot of good friends that I still have to this day. Be it going to watch Celtic play with Doc, or be it spouting crap about other federations with K-Hard. I became a man in XHF because I had to. It was the first time my eyes truly opened up to the true world behind wrestling. The politics, the bitching, the was the first time I noticed it and saw how it effected me.
I won the Rumble back in 2006, and eliminated you Alex. At the time it was made out to be a personal thing, but you know the only reason I did so was because you were a threat, possibly my greatest threat other than our mutual friend Mr Karnes. I had to do it to reach that next level, the level I had to fight, scrap, and prove all the naysayers wrong at Night of Champions. Something we both did on the same night, though I know you won't admit did cut you up that I reached it before you did. That I become the man, the king of the hill, and the person to capture the XHF Title the quickest bar the first champ. I know because I'd feel the same, you were there before me and I reached the top and was looking around, with glazed eyes....i couldn't see the dangers around me. The people who wanted me dethroned, the people who hated the fact that I got there...
People like Venom, people like Kanyon......and I believe people like you AJ.
Why? Because maybe I'm paranoid, but like the song goes, just because your paranoid, don't mean they're not after you! I was an easy mark to most people and I ended up becoming a transitional champion, I had no backing, no respect, no booking favouritism....i was screwed, and lost. I drew my match with Kanyon and out of the kindness of my heart offered him a rematch the next week so that we could have a definitive winner.....and they threw me under the bus. I floundered then, not knowing what to do, where to go, or who to trust.
Next year? It was bigger and better than brother, the one everyone keeps ****ting on managed to win the Rumble. That's right Kane's back to back winners....but this time it was me who would ruin somebodies party. I got in his face and finally made the big reveal. People always complain and moan about how we didn't know and how it isn't believable. Well we had different hair styles, different facial hair, different tattoo’s, people are fairly unique....but **** it, they complained and moaned. They could it stupid and childish...........then tried to rip it off themselves. The Karne brothers for example, Mr MGK and Mr JFK, and where are they? Oh right, off in insignificant land. The Kane Family matters, all because of that event, the event that led to Spike Kane being amongst a very select few two time XHF World Champions. What happened though Alex? Did you support me this time? Did you come to my aid when the wolves turned on me?
You demanded a shot, because you thought I was weak, you thought that I would be the easy route to the world heavyweight played your part in the politics that killed XHF...
and I walked.
I walked right into some backwater federation and threw the XHF Title in the trash, like it was the 90's and it was the cool thing to do. I burnt a bridge doing that, and made some enemies too, more to put on the growing list. No matter though, because that federation failed like the piece of **** that it was and it eventually brought about my ascendancy, when I was recruited to New Championship Wrestling. I came HERE, and my career took an absolute rocket towards the skies, something I never thought would happen.....i became a household name, a world wide celebrity, and I became a member of the Hall of Fame. It's something that means more to me than any other title I have ever won....I can say I am an nCw Hall of Famer, and hold my head up proud, because it means I am amongst an elite group. No amount of politics, whining, complaining, or even Trent Helms temper tantrums can get you in have to earn it.
And I earned it.
So when I'm told this is my last match, and it's only because Alex begged Sampson to let it happen, I have to hold my head up high, because thanks to Alex I do have the chance to go out on top, as they say. I have the chance to prove why I am The God of Xtreme, why fans will always like me whether they're supposed to boo me or cheer me.....why the guys in the back look up to me, but try to sabotage me behind my back....
Because, I'll prove at Time to Riot in that Dragon's Den, as Wolverine said...
I'm the best in the world at what I do, and what I do ain't nice.
[/color]Joining XHF was probably the best thing that could have happened to me back then, because I was floating around doing nothing, not meaning anything to anybody, and the federations I would join would collapse into nothingness.....even my own.
But I joined a place that already had a big history, I joined a place that made me feel like the little fish in a big pond all over again. I joined because it was stable and promised me the world....something I got out of XHF. I made friends there, I made a lot of good friends that I still have to this day. Be it going to watch Celtic play with Doc, or be it spouting crap about other federations with K-Hard. I became a man in XHF because I had to. It was the first time my eyes truly opened up to the true world behind wrestling. The politics, the bitching, the was the first time I noticed it and saw how it effected me.
I won the Rumble back in 2006, and eliminated you Alex. At the time it was made out to be a personal thing, but you know the only reason I did so was because you were a threat, possibly my greatest threat other than our mutual friend Mr Karnes. I had to do it to reach that next level, the level I had to fight, scrap, and prove all the naysayers wrong at Night of Champions. Something we both did on the same night, though I know you won't admit did cut you up that I reached it before you did. That I become the man, the king of the hill, and the person to capture the XHF Title the quickest bar the first champ. I know because I'd feel the same, you were there before me and I reached the top and was looking around, with glazed eyes....i couldn't see the dangers around me. The people who wanted me dethroned, the people who hated the fact that I got there...
People like Venom, people like Kanyon......and I believe people like you AJ.
Why? Because maybe I'm paranoid, but like the song goes, just because your paranoid, don't mean they're not after you! I was an easy mark to most people and I ended up becoming a transitional champion, I had no backing, no respect, no booking favouritism....i was screwed, and lost. I drew my match with Kanyon and out of the kindness of my heart offered him a rematch the next week so that we could have a definitive winner.....and they threw me under the bus. I floundered then, not knowing what to do, where to go, or who to trust.
Next year? It was bigger and better than brother, the one everyone keeps ****ting on managed to win the Rumble. That's right Kane's back to back winners....but this time it was me who would ruin somebodies party. I got in his face and finally made the big reveal. People always complain and moan about how we didn't know and how it isn't believable. Well we had different hair styles, different facial hair, different tattoo’s, people are fairly unique....but **** it, they complained and moaned. They could it stupid and childish...........then tried to rip it off themselves. The Karne brothers for example, Mr MGK and Mr JFK, and where are they? Oh right, off in insignificant land. The Kane Family matters, all because of that event, the event that led to Spike Kane being amongst a very select few two time XHF World Champions. What happened though Alex? Did you support me this time? Did you come to my aid when the wolves turned on me?
You demanded a shot, because you thought I was weak, you thought that I would be the easy route to the world heavyweight played your part in the politics that killed XHF...
and I walked.
I walked right into some backwater federation and threw the XHF Title in the trash, like it was the 90's and it was the cool thing to do. I burnt a bridge doing that, and made some enemies too, more to put on the growing list. No matter though, because that federation failed like the piece of **** that it was and it eventually brought about my ascendancy, when I was recruited to New Championship Wrestling. I came HERE, and my career took an absolute rocket towards the skies, something I never thought would happen.....i became a household name, a world wide celebrity, and I became a member of the Hall of Fame. It's something that means more to me than any other title I have ever won....I can say I am an nCw Hall of Famer, and hold my head up proud, because it means I am amongst an elite group. No amount of politics, whining, complaining, or even Trent Helms temper tantrums can get you in have to earn it.
And I earned it.
So when I'm told this is my last match, and it's only because Alex begged Sampson to let it happen, I have to hold my head up high, because thanks to Alex I do have the chance to go out on top, as they say. I have the chance to prove why I am The God of Xtreme, why fans will always like me whether they're supposed to boo me or cheer me.....why the guys in the back look up to me, but try to sabotage me behind my back....
Because, I'll prove at Time to Riot in that Dragon's Den, as Wolverine said...
I'm the best in the world at what I do, and what I do ain't nice.
I think things through over and over in my mind. How long had Leonard Fox being planning this? What part did Riley Griffiths really play in it all? My last last match? It isn't fair.....I'm at the peak of physical perfection. I've worked so damn hard to get back to where I am. Months of wrestling under a stupid moniker with a mask just to prove my loyalty, just to prove that I belong here. I scratched, bit, punched, kicked and screamed my way back to the top, and when I get there, it just ends.....
Not like this. No. I won't let it happen. I'm the motherloving God of Xtreme. I have defied the odds more than anybody else can ever claim to. I've always thrived at being the maybe now it's time? Maybe it is. Alex is a great competitor and he's not going to lay down for me, I'm going to have to come at him harder than anyone else ever has, even myself and truly beat him like I know I-
I'm disturbed from my thoughts and it's only now I realise that I've been sitting on the chair just staring out of the window for, I don't even want to think how long. I manage to push myself up and head towards the door paying no attention to my dishevelled physical appearance. I open the door and my little sister is there, the broadest smile on her face before she takes my appearance in and the smile falters a little. She tries to keep it up, but I already know it's a fake. I invite her in and I notice Dexter is sitting in the car on the drive way. He doesn't want to come in after what happened at Christmas. Can't blame him.
“Mikey, you need to have a shave.....wash your hair or something....come on when was the last time you had a shower?”
I try to find the answer in my head but for some reason it's just not there. The only thing I can find is the building rage that seems to be held back just enough to save it for Alex Jones at Time to Riot. But why Alex? I don't remember any more.....something about him....and....stopping in the name of love?
No that isn't it. Stop...hammer time? No....this memory, it's flooding my mind and it isn't the reason we are locking up in the Dragon's Den on Sunday. This is a nice memory, a memory that brings a bizarre half smile to my face, before I remember Conrad's words and the smile is gone. I mumble something about a few days to Freya and she looks at me scornfully. She crosses her arms and everything, she's so cute when she does that. A brief smile trickles again, but in a flash it's gone. It's like Conrad is controlling my emotions and every time I get happy or think about something happy it's thrown out the window.
“Mike. We're taking you with us. We can't let you live like this and go into one of the most dangerous matches in your life when you aren't're going to kill yourself, or worse...”
Kill AJ. A sick smile spreads across my face and there is nothing I can do to help it. I don't want it to be there, but it grows and I can see it's starting to creep Freya out a little. I watch her move towards the window and it's at this point that I spot another car on the driveway......Brad? No....why would he be here? He tried to talk me out of the match last time and it didn't work. I know he's stubborn but...
“Mike.....Alysson has already brought some of your stuff so it's just you that needs to come, you don't need to bring anything....”
I can tell that this is causing her emotional pain, but I can't seem to care. The door opens behind me and I curse myself for not having the foresight to lock it. I turn to see Dexter looking right at me and a glance to Freya. Maybe making sure she is OK? Behind him in walks Brad and Christian Gardner. I let the words 'F*ck me' escape from my mouth.....what the hell are they doing? How long have they been planning this?
“Come on Mike. We have to go....”
Chris reaches for my arms and I head butt him right on the nose without even thinking about it. My body seems to be reacting to things on auto pilot, much faster than my brain can take it all in, Dexter moves and I swing for him but he manages to duck and grab my arm. Before I know it Brad has his arms around my head and he's got me in some choke hold. I try my hardest to break free but the three of them manage to over power me. I can feel my eyes closing as Brad applies the pressure but I fight as hard as I can. I can't let them win, I can't fail....i have to.....
I have to......
Conrad said......
As I start to go limp all I can hear is the maniacal laughter of my father echoing through my head as it all goes black.
I want to be victorious Alex. I know you do too, not because it will make any kind of difference between you and I, but because as per usual you have your targets set on something higher. On what a feud with me can bring to you. You aren't focused on putting on a great match, you want to simply propel yourself into the main event by being in the biggest most violent match ever created and beating the very person who created. Well to be blunt Alex, I'm not going to let that happen.
You see I've had to retire twice before. Twice. I'm like Brett Favre or something.....but I know that this time is the last time. The first time I put my career on the line just to get a world title shot, a world title shot that I had to share with Joe f*cking Everyman, and Trent “bitch till I get what I want” Helms.......the second? Well you should know, seeing as you apparently own brother shoved a rail road spike....A RAIL ROAD SPIKE......through my hand, so seriously I don't need you to pretend you give a crap and spout some psycho babble garbage about my mental state. When the f*ck have you ever cared about my mental state? Allowing me to get freaked the hell out whenever I fought Mark Evil with those stupid musicians? Every time I say his name I have to check that there is nobody around playing a stupid crescendo just to flip me out. So don't even start with that Alex.....because I can see right through it.
My Dad opened my eyes, my Dad showed me exactly what you are, and what you've been doing this whole time that I've known you. You're a fraud Alex, you are a fake. I've said it before and I'll say it again. As long as you keep repeating your whole diatribe about me having abandonment issues and how you don't care and I'm a little emo kid wah wah wah, I'm going to throw it all back in your face. Yeah, you know what? I was an emo kid. I had sh*t to be emo about dickhead. My life was a sh*t tip from day one, and what you are going to give me crap about it? Your going to say that I'm not aloud to complain? To moan, or even mention it?
When you have been through even half of the stuff I have been through, then you can say things like that to me, until then you need to shut your preaching “know-it-all” mouth. Because when it comes down to it, you really don't know anything about me do you AJ? You don't know how things effect me, and you don't know how much I struggle through life. You just assume so much, maybe that is why I don't like the two faced bullsh*t machine you've become? Because you just assume everything instead of having the facts laid out before you. Assume all you want though dude because I thrive on people underestimating me.
Like the Rumble.
Like Night of Champions.
Like Davey Ortega.
Like Jack Manson.
Like Lance Ryan.
I thrive on it, and there is no greater feeling than proving somebody wrong. You actually believe it is time for me to go? Time for me to hang up the boots? Well f*ck you AJ who do you think you are to make that call? You came into my life ten years into my career AJ. TEN YEARS! Do you even have a clue of what I had done before I met you? Before I banged that pathetic excuse for a wife you had? You have no idea what I have been through Alex, and not once have you had the thought or compassion to turn around and ask me. Like I just assume. Well assuming is going to be your downfall because when I hit that ring on Sunday Night, you are right.....I have nothing to lose. Nothing at all to lose, so why not bring it all crashing down around me? Huh?
Do you know what the most dangerous thing in the world is Alex? Conviction. Belief. A man who truly believes, has true conviction is unstoppable, more dangerous than any other motivator in the world. You have greed, you have desire.....I have conviction.
And I will f*cking end you.
I want to be victorious Alex. I know you do too, not because it will make any kind of difference between you and I, but because as per usual you have your targets set on something higher. On what a feud with me can bring to you. You aren't focused on putting on a great match, you want to simply propel yourself into the main event by being in the biggest most violent match ever created and beating the very person who created. Well to be blunt Alex, I'm not going to let that happen.
You see I've had to retire twice before. Twice. I'm like Brett Favre or something.....but I know that this time is the last time. The first time I put my career on the line just to get a world title shot, a world title shot that I had to share with Joe f*cking Everyman, and Trent “bitch till I get what I want” Helms.......the second? Well you should know, seeing as you apparently own brother shoved a rail road spike....A RAIL ROAD SPIKE......through my hand, so seriously I don't need you to pretend you give a crap and spout some psycho babble garbage about my mental state. When the f*ck have you ever cared about my mental state? Allowing me to get freaked the hell out whenever I fought Mark Evil with those stupid musicians? Every time I say his name I have to check that there is nobody around playing a stupid crescendo just to flip me out. So don't even start with that Alex.....because I can see right through it.
My Dad opened my eyes, my Dad showed me exactly what you are, and what you've been doing this whole time that I've known you. You're a fraud Alex, you are a fake. I've said it before and I'll say it again. As long as you keep repeating your whole diatribe about me having abandonment issues and how you don't care and I'm a little emo kid wah wah wah, I'm going to throw it all back in your face. Yeah, you know what? I was an emo kid. I had sh*t to be emo about dickhead. My life was a sh*t tip from day one, and what you are going to give me crap about it? Your going to say that I'm not aloud to complain? To moan, or even mention it?
When you have been through even half of the stuff I have been through, then you can say things like that to me, until then you need to shut your preaching “know-it-all” mouth. Because when it comes down to it, you really don't know anything about me do you AJ? You don't know how things effect me, and you don't know how much I struggle through life. You just assume so much, maybe that is why I don't like the two faced bullsh*t machine you've become? Because you just assume everything instead of having the facts laid out before you. Assume all you want though dude because I thrive on people underestimating me.
Like the Rumble.
Like Night of Champions.
Like Davey Ortega.
Like Jack Manson.
Like Lance Ryan.
I thrive on it, and there is no greater feeling than proving somebody wrong. You actually believe it is time for me to go? Time for me to hang up the boots? Well f*ck you AJ who do you think you are to make that call? You came into my life ten years into my career AJ. TEN YEARS! Do you even have a clue of what I had done before I met you? Before I banged that pathetic excuse for a wife you had? You have no idea what I have been through Alex, and not once have you had the thought or compassion to turn around and ask me. Like I just assume. Well assuming is going to be your downfall because when I hit that ring on Sunday Night, you are right.....I have nothing to lose. Nothing at all to lose, so why not bring it all crashing down around me? Huh?
Do you know what the most dangerous thing in the world is Alex? Conviction. Belief. A man who truly believes, has true conviction is unstoppable, more dangerous than any other motivator in the world. You have greed, you have desire.....I have conviction.
And I will f*cking end you.